Community Partners
Stober Elementary Community Garden
In 2022, we opened up our garden plots for our first year of gardening, and it was a smash success! We had another amazing year of gardening in 2023, and we are gearing up for another magical season of gardening “in community” this summer!
We have over 50 gardeners involved and these beds have yielded a bounty of produce for the gardeners, students, and even local food banks. And we are learning and having so much fun along the way!
We would love to have you join us for Spring/Summer 2025. Sign up for your plot now!
Getting Involved
All community members are welcome to be a part of the Stober Community Garden as a gardener, a volunteer, or even as a guest at our community-wide events!

- Sign up on the first-come, first-served waitlist for a plot! There are 25 plots available for community members, including wheelchair-friendly raised beds and our school-use beds.
- Volunteer with us! We are currently looking for help with event support, web and photography support, or help during our occasional work days.
- Buy a brick! By purchasing a brick or making a donation to our garden, you can help to keep plots more accessible and help us make sure this is a beautiful space for years to come.
- Shop at our Stober Garden Store! By shopping here, you’re supporting our garden and our upcoming outdoor classroom.
- Spread the word! Let your neighbors know this is a great way to meet people and get involved in the community.
What the Garden does for our Neighborhood

Provides a beautiful space where students spend time outdoors getting fresh air and learning to garden!

Helps students dig their hands and minds into their lessons about nutrition, geology, math, weather, and more!

Brings neighbors together in a safe, nourishing community space.
Community Garden Numbers
students each year step foot in the garden
garden beds are lovingly tended to
gardeners in our initial year learned and grew together.
Countless opportunities for learning about the earth, improving our nutrition, and connecting with community.
What the Community is Saying
“Expose kids to hands-on science, get them outside and teach them where food comes from!“
“As a member of the Stober PTA and parent of a second grader, I’m thrilled about the forthcoming community garden at Stober Elementary School. I love that it will expose kids to hands-on science, get them outside and teach them where food comes from!“
Sara Ewing
Stober Parent, Member of Stober PTA,
Applewood Resident
“[It’s] for folks of all ages to be outdoors, get their hands in the soil, and connect”
“A community garden attached to the neighborhood school provides a space for folks of all ages to be outdoors, get their hands in the soil, and connect with others they might not have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. I look forward to this addition to our lovely community.”
Dianna Cooper-Ribner
Neighbors of Stober Elementary
Applewood Resident
“We can promote lifelong curiosity in our youth”
“Having a garden at Stober will foster the hands-on learning, collaboration, and civic engagement that we value so much. By taking learning outside of our brick-and-mortar building, we can promote lifelong curiosity in our youth.”
Robbie Stone
1st Grade Teacher
Stober Elementary
Behind Stober Community Garden
The groups who have supported Stober Community Garden with planning and the build include: