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School Accountability Committee

Anne DiCola - Principal
Sarah Snow - SAC Chair
Our PIE committee meets prior to PTA meetings on the second Wednesday of the month, from 6:00-7:00pm.

Here is a list of the PIE meetings for the 24/25 school year:

  • September 11
  • October 9
  • November 13
  • No Meeting in December
  • January 8
  • March 12
  • April 9

The school accountability committee (SAC/PIE) serves in an advisory role to the school Principal. The school’s Principal is ultimately responsible for ensuring compliance with all federal, state, and district requirements and meeting the academic performance expectations defined by Jeffco Public Schools.

Based on state statute and District policy, at a minimum, the SAC should:  

Make recommendations to the Principal on school priorities for spending school funds prior to adoption of the school budget. This review should ensure that funds and spending priorities align with the school’s improvement plan (UIP) and core values of the school to benefit all students. 

  • SACs are also expected to annually review the school fees.
  • Provide input annually regarding the school’s Unified Improvement Plan (UIP).
  • Meet at least quarterly to review and discuss the implementation of the school improvement plan and student performance related to the school’s improvement activities.
  • Provide input and recommendations concerning Principal development plans and the Principal evaluation process on an advisory basis when requested by the district advisory committee (DAC) or district administration.
  • Assisting the district in implementing at the school level the district’s parent engagement policy.
  • Assist school personnel to increase the level of parent engagement in the school, especially the engagement from diverse populations.